Thursday, June 22, 2006

For your information

Some of you have asked where you can get more facts about General Convention in general and the story on Resolutions A161 and B033.

Try these two sites first: Scroll down past the resolutions to sermons and press releases. This will take you to the catalogue of all of the news stories that have come out of Columbus This is Susan Russell's Blog.


  1. Thanks for this info. It didn't, however, get me what I'm looking for: the list of who voted which way on B033 and who were the "liberal bishops" who signed the Statement of Conscience which is published at (

    If I find any of these, I'll post the info here in comments, and I'd appreciate it if anyone who beats me to the punch would do the same. (If I get here first I'll make a mark; if you get here first, you rub it out!)

    I'm dispirited, but it helps to know I'm not alone.

  2. Rev Elizabeth,
    Be not afraid and do not despair, for this too shall pass. There were steps forward and back on the road to the ordination of women, after all.

    As for who voted for B033 and who signed the statement of conscience, I haven't been able to find those things out either. I'm wondering if my bishop (Gibbs, Diocese of Michigan) signed. I would not be surprised if he did.


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