Friday, October 27, 2006

Women: Know Your Limits

As we prepare to "invest" the first woman Presiding Bishop and Primate in the Anglican Communion, you can not afford to miss this

If that link is not "hot" try:

There, don't we all feel better now?


  1. This is hysterical ... thanks for posting it!

  2. Oh. My. God.

    When was that thing made? It obviously is supposed to be just after WW2, or it's been filmed to seem that way.

    It looks like the Reefer Madness of feminism. Some (perhaps) serious that time has, thank God, turned into a joke.

    Do you suppose anyone is going to think less of Bishop Jefferts Schori or take er less seriously because of her gender?

    I'm not being disingenuous--I thought the attitude in that silly film had been relegated to C&W songs...or not even them anymore.


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