Friday, May 25, 2007

Dave Walker's Take on Lambeth Disinvitations


  1. I think the church's brilliant resident cartoonist prefers to be called "Dave." I'm the one who goes by "David"... just to keep everything straight. Uhmmmm... rather, that is to say, to keep everything un-confusing. "Un" seems to be the "in" word these days.

  2. yeah, and the wonkey legged throne will go to +VGR, wanna bet?

  3. Looks like there will be a couple more free, now that Uganda has pulled out.

    I'm thinking that local hotels may have to start a price war to try to get their rooms close to fully booked.

  4. If, as I rather expect, Nigeria elects to decline its invitations, there will be lots of empty thrones. Maybe the ABp can invite some priests, or deacons?



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