Friday, June 08, 2007

"I love Paris every moment . . .every moment of the year."

Well, I don't know about where you live, but it's been "all Paris all the time" - on the television, on the radio, in the newspapers.

Everyone is asking, "Will she be returned to jail?"

The answer, apparently, is yes. She has been sent to the medical ward of the jail facility known as "Twin Towers" where she will spend the weekend while her lawyers file appeals.

My question is: "Why was she let out in the first place?"

No, actually, my question is: "Why is this news?"


  1. And I thought maybe it was just L.A.!!!

    Nice to know we've got company ... I think! :)

  2. For those of us not in NJ, and who refuse to be assaulted by nightly news--it isn't!

  3. Glad to be at camp in the ADKs! Biggest news here? The dining hall floor was repainted this year!

  4. Unfortunately, celebrety justice cuts both ways. Ms. Hilton is getting the vicious side. I rather wish the govenor would use his pardon powers.


  5. We passed the 3500 mark of US military deaths in Iraq and the TODAY show lead the program yesterday with this trash. And Lauer was making fun of MSNBC!!!
    Nope, nothing to see here, just move along.
    Get the rose water!

  6. Forget Paris! I love the photo you chose!


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