Monday, August 06, 2007

Kids and Hope and The Church

Note: The blog below on "Life is Good" inspired this story from my former Senior Warden.

Olivia has been going through a rough period lately. She did six half days of camp at a new school she will be starting in September. It has been a very tough transition for both her and us. The change has definitely begun to impact her sleep and occasionally her disposition.

As part of Olivia's bedtime ritual, Kim was having a conversation with her before a final hug and kiss good night. The conversation went something like this:

Olivia: "Mommy, I want to go to Stanley School forever." (Stanley is her old school)

Mommy: "I know, Honey, but nothing lasts forever. You graduated to the big-girl school and then, eventually, you'll graduate to the next school"

Olivia: "I want Mrs. Wilson to be my teacher forever."

Mommy: "Even if you were to stay at Stanley, Honey, you wouldn't have Mrs. Wilson again. You would have a new teacher. You won't have the same teacher forever. Nothing is forever."

Olivia: "I know something that's forever."

Mommy: "What's that, Poodle?" (Poodle is one of O's nicknames)

Olivia: "Church!"

In the midst of all the pain, even she knows... even she knows.


  1. It may be forever, but it never stay the same. Ain't that the problem?

  2. I'm not sure I follow. How is that a problem? Nothing ever stays the same.


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(With thanks to Sojourners)