Thursday, September 20, 2007

All The News That's Fit To Print: Day I of the HOB meeting in New Orleans

There's really nothing of much substance to report from Day 1 of the meeting of the HOB in New Orleans.

According to ENS (Episcopal News Service)
eight bishops have agreed to serve as "episcopal visitors" to conservative churches who can not accept the authority (or theology) of Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori.

To quote from the article: "The eight are active diocesan bishops Frank Brookhart of Montana, Dorsey Henderson of Upper South Carolina (based in Columbia, S.C.), John Howe of Central Florida (based in Orlando), Gary Lillibridge of West Texas (based in San Antonio), Michael Smith of North Dakota, James Stanton of Dallas, and Geralyn Wolf of Rhode Island, together with retired Connecticut Bishop Clarence Coleridge."

At a
press conference at the end of the day, Bishops John Rabb of Maryland and O'Robert Neil of Colorado "characterized their conversations with the spiritual leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion as reflective of a "passionate commitment" to the future of that communion.

Bishop Robert O'Neill of Colorado told reporters after a nearly seven-hour session with Williams that the "best way to characterize our conversation is to say that collectively as a House of Bishops who exercise oversight for the common life and ministry of each of our dioceses, we take our responsibilities and our ministries very seriously. We're passionate about the work that we all do both individually and collectively."

"That passion was reflected in our conversation today; it reflected a passionate commitment to the vitality of life and ministry of both the Episcopal Church and to the global Anglican Communion."

IntegrityUSA reported on the news conference. Seems like Day I was . . . well . . . a Very Long Day.

To wit: "Intriguing question from orthodox Anglican TV, considering the source: “what is the Archbishop of Canterbury doing here, is he here as as a member of the Joint Standing Committee or…?

Rabb said, “He’s here as the Archbishop of Canterbury.”


If you want high drama, hand-wringing or freshly ground rumors, go to "The Bullies on Viagra" or visit with the elves on T19.

Kendall is not there, but Matt and Greg are. Even Sarah and "Baby Blue" made the sacrifice of presence to be in Louisianna. They even had a fundraiser to afford travel and lodging.


Forget the unfolding of Civil Rights History in the protest march for the "Jena 6".

Just reading the comments on the above mentioned blogs gives ample evidence that the neo-Puritans have worked very hard for this schism.

It's only fair to give credit where credit is due.

Besides, New Orleans is simply THE place to be and be seen.

The drama in the neo=Puritan camp is escalating and their prognostication is positively breathtaking. Why, reading their laments and predictions is almost as exciting as watching cement set and dry.

Meanwhile, back in the serious suburbs of Chatham, I've been thinking about Sunday's sermon. We are having a baptism - the granddaughter of one of the saints of the church.

I'm always excited when we have a baptism, but it seems especially important in view of the concrete that's setting in on both sides of the church aisle in New Orleans.

So, here's the collect for Sunday:

"Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen."

Who was it who said there are no coincidences?

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