Thursday, November 29, 2007

Some Scenes from a Thanksgiving on Rehoboth Bay

A lone gull begins to chant the chorus of Hosannas of praise and thanksgiving . . .

. . .as Thanksgiving Morn dawns on Rehoboth Bay . . .

. . . and a fisherman begins to draw from the abundance of God's grace.

Lenny can almost taste the leftovers.

So can CoCo, and the Turkey isn't even ready yet.

MacKenna Jane and Abigayle Sophie enjoy the 73-degree weather on the deck.

Nana is thankful for a snuggle with her girls.

At the end of the day, MacKenna Jane feeds the fish and the crabs at the end of the dock, so that, when light dawns on a new day, there will an ocean's bounty for the Rehoboth Bay Fishermen.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Photo credits: Mia Conroy Kaeton
(she's good, in't she?)


  1. She's really good! Beautiful pictures!

  2. VERY cool! If this priest thing doesn't work out you can take up photography! :)

  3. That's a great post. I am glad you had a good day.

  4. Lovely photos. Good commentary too.

  5. Nice photos! Good composition!


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