Friday, December 28, 2007

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me . . . .

Four Calling Birds

Three French Pens

Two Turtle Doves

And, a Partridge in a pear tree!


  1. What are y'all gonna do with all those penguins? Are they litter trained? Do you have a proper pool for them? Oh, things could get messy! I'll see if the Atlanta Aquarium can take them off your hands come Epiphany. I suspect your house will be pretty full by then. :)

  2. dear Elizabeth+
    personally,I too would prefer three French pens to clucking poultry- even if they do have charming accents.
    and you use your French pens with such grace!


  3. Um. 4? Maybe I shouldn't have had the eggnog so early this morning.

  4. thanks for the smiles.
    hope the dissertation is going well.

  5. Animal welfare may want to talk to you....


  6. Prayers continue for "Coming Out".... I promise not to call until after the New Year.

    one of the calling birds

  7. Prayers for your dissertation (what's the degree, yes I know I haven't been paying attention).

    Thanks for the Christmas season laughs, these are fabulous pics!

  8. Keep it up! Anyone writing a dissertation is forgiven for any sin!

    For a year or two, at least.


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