Thursday, May 29, 2008

They say it's your birthday!

Happy Birthday, Bishop Gene!

You are a gift of and to the church.

(And you're parents think you're pretty nifty, too!)

P.S. If you leave your birthday greeting here, I'll make sure to send it on to +Gene later tonight.


  1. Ah, Happy Birthday to my second favorite bishop (well come on, mine must be first).

    I recently got the chance to see "For the Bible Tells Me So" and loved listening to his parents' journey.

  2. Happy Birthday Gene. I'm half way through your book and love it. Many happy returns.

  3. Happy Birthday, Gene! I met you last October in Princeton. The Eucharist you celebrated with us there was a true inspiration. May God strengthen you as you continue in your marvelous work.

  4. Happy Birthday, Bishop Gene from the southern end of the Diocese of Atlanta!

  5. Happy Birthday Bishop Gene!

    Your book is on my nightstand, I recently saw you in "For the Bible Tells Me So."

    God bless you always good sir, you are a gift.

  6. Happy Birthday, Gene, all the way from Kirksville, MO! Dude, you're my hero, and part of why I'm glad to be in an Oasis congregation in the Diocese of MO.

  7. Happy Birthday +Gene. I was out celebrating mine (actually the 31st but my friend was available last night) so I missed the deadline.

    Happy belated birthday!



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