Thursday, December 11, 2008

I LOVE Robin Williams!!!

Okay, he's frenetic, but you have to admit, he's BRILLIANT.

Enjoy his take on Obama, McCain and Sarah Palin.

Just a little humor on a humorless, bitterly cold, miserably rainy Thursday night in the Northeast corridor.

OBTW and PS: All my Christmas presents that have to be mailed are wrapped and ready to be put in the mail tomorrow.



  1. After four days working a local disaster I needed a good laugh. Thanks

  2. "All my Christmas presents that have to be mailed are wrapped and ready to be put in the mail tomorrow."

    Oh Dear me.............

  3. All your packages are wrapped and going in the mail today? Quit your braggin'!

  4. DP and Muthah - Relax. It's just the ones that have to be mailed. If misery does, in fact, love company, then you will rejoice to know that I haven't finished my Christmas shopping. I'll try to get some of that done later this afternoon, after I do the grocery shopping at Costco for the Church Staff and Volunteer Christmas luncheon at the rectory on Monday. I'm making Shrimp and Creamy Grits along with Chicken SomethingOrOther with some vegetarian stuffing - all by special request. There are 14 coming. I'm not so concerned about the amount of food as I am where I'm going to fit all these people - comfortably - while they eat. This is a great rectory but it was designed as a home, not a place of entertainment. Oh, well, we'll make it work.

  5. Oh Thank you for showing this!!!!! What a treasure!


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