Monday, January 19, 2009

As 'The Countdown' begins . . .

. . . a little 'housekeeping' - Dubya-style.


  1. I just can't wait to see who Bush will grant amnesty to.

  2. Hey Bill ..... here's the list:

    Word is that Campean and Ramos will be the final two to receive action. What a breath of fresh air.

  3. Once as a social worker, I actually had a collegue who did this! I thought it was only done in fairy tales ;=)

  4. I think he has been doing this for 8 years. The real clue is whether BHO will be willing to do a thorough house cleaning. I have a feeling he won't.

  5. Muthah+, It has already been said that the BHO camp doesn't feel it would be advantagious to stay in the past, so to speak, because there is so much work to do to move the country forward. so your feeling might be right.

  6. Is there a statute of limitations on trying former administration officials for war crimes, among others?


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