Saturday, March 07, 2009

Remember the 70s?

They say that if you can remember the 60s you really weren't there.

I suspect if you remember the 70s, you probably wish you were there in the 60s so you couldn't remember the 70s.

I don't remember much of the 60s, and the early 70s where a real sort of "Salad Days" period of my life, but this video brought back a flood of painful memories - mostly about the music.

Oye, vey! At first, I couldn't really look at the screen. These guys are so scrubbied-up and earnest, it's painful. I confess, I could only take about 45 seconds of the . . . um . . . "music".

Anyone who can listen to the whole thing gets 5 years off Purgatory.

It's DST tonight.
Remember to set your clocks AHEAD.

Yes, that means you LOSE AN HOUR's SLEEP.

Which is why I chose this video.

There are worse things than losing an hour's sleep.



  1. I'm not sure 5 years off Purgatory was worth it (I feel like I've served that time in the last 2:48) - but I couldn't turn it off (musta been the devil at work! wow! nothing else to say - just wow...

  2. Okay, since you listened to it to the end, I'll give you 10 years off, but since I don't believe in Purgatory, that's about as helpful as "points" on that comedy show, 'Whose line is it anyway?'

  3. You are very, very naughty.

    I do remember the 60s, but I was a punk kid. I had an uncle 6 years older than me,that allowed me to be aware of the drug culture swirling around us. Many years ago, he apologized to me for those years, but I told him, "Forget about it! You were my window into the hippie world!" I do wish that I had not allowed Grandma to throw away his LPs when he became a "Jesus People."

  4. Thanks for reminding me of the time change!

  5. I was earnestly working during the 60s. My fog was alcohol at after work and office parties. We didn't do the other stuff. And we didn't listen to that music either but what we did listen to was quite similar. I still like bubble gum music but not simplistic, repetitive "Christian" stuff - then or now.

    I have already set my clocks ahead as tomorrow is the big day. I'll be the LEM for the bishop which is sort of funny. In fewer than 24 for hours I'll no longer be "pseudo". And our new senior warden has found enough money to hire us a priest. Hallelujah.

    Thanks for your encouragement, Elizabeth!

  6. Well, I couldn't make it all the way through - and I was a Jesus Freak in the 70's.

  7. I lasted for 31 seconds, so couldn't have earned more than a day off Purgatory...

    I remember most of the early 60s and wish I couldn't, having been in Cattolick Prep School...

    I remember bits and pieces of the late 60s- unfortunately the worst bits and pieces. The police riot at the '68 DNC; the Assassinations of MLK and RFK... You get the idea...

    Was the Music really this bad?

  8. You know what? Just for listening to it, even for a few seconds, y'all get time off from Purgatory.

    Yes, it was really that bad in the 70's - which is why it's so much worse now.

    But, if it keeps you all on time for church in the morning, you will have your reward.

    Welcome, Kirke. You're in the BEST part of the church catholic.

  9. I listened to the whole thing. Yikes!

  10. So how bad could purgatory be? I lasted about 12 seconds. I actually lived through both the 60's and 70's but as a folkie, I was able to ignor the music of both. Not a bad idea actually.


  11. I'm beginning to feel like MadPriest - except I feel bad about imposing this stuff on my friends. He relishes in the pain he inflicts on our ears.

  12. You poor beggars in the rest of the world who are subjected to unnatural acts against the space-time continuum.

    Here in good old Saskatchewan, we know better than to muck with cosmic forces.

  13. Beyond Ghastly!

    Where is Talent, Passion, Intelligence???

  14. Talent? Passion? Intelligence? Didn't you see it? It was right there - in the midst of the polyester fibers of their suits. ;~)

  15. Try clicking through to YouTube and checking out the Related Videos. Who knew?

  16. Yikes!
    Do you know that in the '60s there at least four stations in New York broadcsting classical music and there was opera on three times a week. By the 70's, the number had dropped, but there were still three, so I never had to listen to music like this. Ang I still don't.

    BTW, I listened all the way through. Yikes again.

  17. I am with Allen. I didn't listen to this kind of stuff. Even in TX I listened to classical music--it is the curse of music majors.

    I don't believe in purgatory either but having to listen to this, I have a good idea what it is.

  18. As we have had an unscheduled snow here, north of Seattle, I've had time to watch the video in its entirety, and have earned my time off purgatory. However, do I lose those days if the thought of Jesus being a "Mountie" makes me feel dirty all over?


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