Sunday, March 15, 2009

SRO last night at St. Paul's

What an amazing evening!

It was SRO = Standing Room Only.

The performers told us stories and sang beautiful music and women danced graceful, fluid dances as they sang.

I had to pinch myself to remind myself that I was in the Northeast Corridor of God's Realm and not thousands of miles away in Hawai'i.

A GRAND time was had by all. Wish you had been there.


  1. I do too!! Glad it went great!

  2. Sounds like a lovely, joyous evening.

    How are you?
    I miss you, toots. We haven't dished in aaaages.

    I hope you are well.

    Lots of hugs and kisses,

  3. I'm happy to see that you took time to slow down a bit and enjoy yourself.

    What a 'warm' treat they must have been. Glad you had a great time!

    Love the slack key guitar played by the Hawai'in Cowboys.

  4. Thanks, one and all. It was really a wonderful time. Wish I could have scooped you all up and had you there with me.

  5. Hey, Ms. Katie. We'll have to dish sooon. I've missed you, though I have checked in on you from time to time, just making sure my Jewish girl friend is still mixing it up in her neighborhood.

  6. We LOVE slack key. Nothing gets you more into the gentle rhythm of the islands. One of our favorite artists whom we have heard live a number of times is John Keawe, from Hawi north of Kona. If you enjoyed this, look for John's albums.

  7. Thanks IT. I had never heard of 'slack key guitar' before this concert - much less the notion of 'Hawai'ian Cowboy'. It's pretty amazing.


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