Sunday, June 28, 2009

"Alle, alle auch sind frei!"

The Big Parade is about to begin in NYC.

It's PRIDE Day. A day to take the shame and humiliation inflicted by others that have been - and still are - part of what it means to 'come out' as an LGBT person, and turn it on its head.

It's time to say enough to those who want to make us society's whipping boys and girls.

Time to get off the impossible merry-go-round of telling us that we are disgusting because we are 'promiscuous' while denying our civil right to marriage.

Time to take a step off the lowest rung on the Cultural Ladder and celebrate ourselves as part of God's creation:

Our resilience.

Our faith.

Our imagination.

Our creativity.

Our intelligence.

Our passion.

Our determination.

Our belief.

Our endurance.

Our fidelity.

Our enormous contributions to the same culture that would shun and condemn us.

Today is the day to be proud of all that we have achieved, despite the odds, and all that we will accomplish.


Enjoy the day.

Olly olly oxen free!

All ye All ye Come in Free!

Come out, come out, wherever you are!


  1. So well said EK! I'm off to the parade for the first time ever, taking pictures for the LGBT Committee of the Social Concerns Council of EDNY. Wish me luck, I don't do crowds.

  2. Have a great day! Many of us are thinking about you and working along with you from afar! Word verification "tanitless."

  3. Hope you had a FABULOUS time, Lis. Happy Pride Day, one and all.


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