Sunday, June 14, 2009

Scenes from Celebrating Herstory

Bishop Barbara may have just celebrated her 79th Birthday, but she's still looking forward! Her address to the Women's Commission of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark was not a lovely little walk down Memory Lane with Sweet Baby Jesus meek and mild.

She talked about the difference between 'organized religion' and a 'religious movement', and, ever the radical (which, being about being true to our roots, is the true meaning of being orthodox), challenged us to care less about judgement and more about love.

I'm in the process of writing a 500 word (God help me) 'report' for our The Voice, our Diocesan newspaper. Deadline: Tuesday morning.

Those of you who read this blog know how dead-serious I am when I say that prayers are invited and most welcome.

Until then, I'll let these pictures use up the thousand words that I'd need to help describe this.

Above is a picture of the Women's Commission.

From left to right, Moi, Fran Trott, Marge Lindstrom, Ellen Sloan, Sandye Wilson, Bishop Barbara, Martha Gardner, Marge Christie, and Joseph Harmon

The Rev'd Dr. Cn. Sandye Wilson and Bishop Barbara Clementine Harris.

Co-chairs of the Women's Commission: Ellen Sloan and Martha Gardner, with the Bishop.

Yours truly with Herself.

Diana Clark and Elizabeth Maxwell with the Bishop.

That's all for now, kiddo's. More later. It's off to church with me.


  1. Great pics! Sounds like a good time was definitely had by all...

  2. Prayers for the 500 word report.

    Wonderful pictures, but I'm sorry you and Bishop Harris are blurry. Well, the two of you are not blurry, but your picture is.

  3. I heard +Harris speak at the VTS Commencement a couple of weeks ago. She spoke there about institution and love as well.

    I have long been in total admiration of her. At the reception, I went up to introduce myself, shook her hand and I just started to blubber like a baby....

    You are in my prayers as you complete your work.

  4. Whenever I get down about Holy Mother Church, which is quite a bit of the time of late years, I recall Bishop Barbara Harris' consecration liturgy, especially Fr Paul Washington's sermon. I didn't get to attend; I have it on VHS. I watch it three or four times a year. It is one moment in history that sustains me.


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