Monday, July 20, 2009

Cartoon church?

Sometimes, especially after General Convention, I feel like my religious life has been reduced to life in a cartoon church.

This General Convention was no exception - even with all the good that came out of it.

I love the fact that some of the pictures posted on Mark Harris' blog, Preludium, were turned into cartoon caricatures by Adrian Worsfold over at his blog, "The Pluralist Speaks".

This is one of me, Mark Harris and Susan Russell.

Not very flattering, to be sure, but it makes me laugh out loud.

Which is more than I can say for General Convention.


  1. Why does Mark look so startled? I didn't think the photo looked like that. OMG! I can't stop chuckling.

  2. Picky picky! Susan Russell should be the one complaining about unflattering, except for the smile, which after all counts for a lot.

    It was fascinating to be able to follow the convention on blogs & twitter.

  3. Looks nothing like any of you.

  4. I don't expect caricatures to be flattering. However, if I could, I was ask the artist this: Why are there green streaks in our hair and in Mark's beard?

  5. It's the fluorescent lights....

  6. Ah, I was afraid it was some sort of fungus among us.


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