Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Back in the saddle again

I've begun preparing for Sunday's sermon.

It's been a little like getting back on a horse or a bicycle after not ridding for awhile. I'm a little wobbly. You know?

I found this cartoon over at NakedPastor and it made me laugh right out loud.

I think I can go back to sermon writing again.


  1. Oh that is great. Prayers and good wishes for your sermon prep! I know it will turn out great. And one of these days I will actually get myself down there.

    The cartoon is priceless, I may have to show it to my boss!

  2. Sometimes even the choir has to hear the same old stuff over and over again before it REALLY sinks in.

    More relevant to a couple of posts back -- Rabbi Ben Zoma used to say (about 2000 yrs ago), "Who is wise? One who learns from everybody." You seem to be able to do that, whether your teacher is a mother heron or a Delmarva crabber.

  3. Thanks, DeanB. I have found that I learn best by keeping my ears open, my mouth shut, and my mind engaged.


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