Friday, December 18, 2009

Practical, sensible and Christian??????

Yeah, that's the ticket.


  1. Watch his thumbs as he reads. The body language denotes nervousness.

    Anyway, if it's not a contract, and not a penal code and has no teeth, and doesn't make anyone comply then what is it except a way to pass away cold, snowy nights with intellectual mind games.

    But on the other hand if it is a way to identify and label factions within the communion, then it becomes a tool of devisiveness. That's when the teeth and the penal code will be brought out of the closet; now that the closet is empty.

  2. Casuistry rightly

  3. Reason #1 to disestablish the church.

  4. Meek is not co-dependant, that I know!


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