Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Princess Bride-To-Be

Well, it was a pretty amazing bridal shower.

The decorations on the theme of the movie "The Princess Bride" were absolutely spectacular. Her bridesmaids really outdid themselves.
We came in through the "Pit of Despair".

And there encountered . . . .
. . . . Rodents of Unusual Size.
Here is Princess Buttercup (aka "Mia") with "The Dread Pirate Roberts" (aka "Bob")

I learned at the festivities that their first date consisted of watching "The Princess Bride" together, where they discovered that they both knew the dialogue.
Aren't they just the most lovely couple you've seen in a long while?

I tell you, it's "True Blave".

Oh, but I didn't tell you about the "theme" lunch:

I mean, really!

Can you STAND it?
Before the opening of the Royal Gifts, we did play "Princess Bride Jeopardy".

We were split into three teams: Red, Blue and Green.

Ms. Conroy and I ended up on the Green team (I know, go figure), and, of course, we won. I don't think there's a line in the film I don't know.

It is not easy, however, to move quickly from a memorized line to presenting the information - in the form of a question, of course - while the Jeopardy theme is playing.

That was, of course, part of the fun.
Could there be a happier couple in all of Western Christendom?

I think not.

This is true love - you think this happens every day?


  1. Lovely to see this!! And by the way, my name is Inigo Montoya, prepare to... Oh never mind!

  2. Their first date consisted of watching "The Princess Bride" together, where they discovered that they both knew the dialogue

    You've gotta get married after this, there's no two ways about it.

  3. I *love* the labels for the food. Darn clever! Even though I've never seen the movie.

  4. I can barely do wedding showers but I think I could have done this one ok--I'm like Lisa, the labels are great, and I HAVE seen the movie (for God's sake, don't tell anyone I've seen The Princess Bride--my littler cousins wanted to see it when it came out...okay????)

    Sounds like even the games were okay (my least favorite part of any

    I have been retired from the job of GamesMeister at such affairs ever since I did "guess the candy bar microwaved in the disposable diaper" game at a baby shower.

  5. Kirke - "Guess the candy bar microwaved in the disposable diaper" game at a baby shower? You are one sick puppy, Doc.

    I'm telling all your littler cousins to torment you with requests for "The Princess Bride" when they come to visit.

  6. Lisa - How can you even admit that you've never seen "TPB"? Hie thee hence and forthwith to Blockbusters.

  7. Lovely couple!!

    The bridesmaids really know how to throw a party.

  8. Not seen TPB is correct?! Oh my - go now, go quickly! It must be seen!!

  9. Elizabeth, how could I not admit I've never seen "TPB"? And you a priest! So you're aware that confession is good for the soul. ;-)

    I never saw it, because I figured it was some syrupy romance. But the snippets you included in the previous post are hilarious.

    I shall comply with your godly admonition.

  10. Lisa - this will be the most enjoyable "godly admonition" you'll ever get. Promise.

  11. Don't you wish all your parishioners were this compliant? {vbg}

  12. Happy Happy Joy Joy!

  13. So you like the "Princess Bride" AND you are Red Sox fans? You are my kind of people!

  14. And, apparently, you are my kinda people, too.


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