Thursday, July 15, 2010

Everything you ever wanted to know about being gay or lesbian (but were afraid to ask)

Thanks to my friend, Jan Nunley for these great parodies.

Fair is fair. Here's one on the "Perils of . . .um. . . 'Lesbianity'."

And, just for fun, an entertaining parody on Lady Gaga's "Alejandro" - "Your a homo."

It's really hilarious and political and sarcastic and truthful and entertaining - all at once. Well done.

Love the Reese's Peanut Butter cups as glasses. Gaga should totally steal that.


  1. All good and the Gaga parody needs to go viral.

  2. I am truly surprised that it takes nearly a minute more to describe the menace of lesbianity than the perils of homosexuality....

    (did I get that right?!!!)

  3. hats and fancy scarves? sounds like a cowboy to me

  4. Or, as Chris Williamson insists, "Cowboy girl."


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