Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day, 2011

I don't know about you, but I love StoryPeople. No matter the subject, they always get right to the heart of it. I always admire anyone who can do that using very few words.

Here's today's story for Thanksgiving:
There are things you do because they feel right; they may make no sense; they may make no money; it may be the real reason we are here: to love each other; to eat each other's cooking; & say it was good.
I can't think of a better explanation of Thanksgiving, can you?

So, whether or not you are cooking for 25 or 30 and having the whole fandamily at your house - or a sister-in-law or parent's home - or having a small, intimate meal at home or in a restaurant, or taking one of your children or grandchildren to your favorite local diner, Thanksgiving is all about taking inventory of our lives, discovering our abundance and being grateful for what we have.

A very wise woman recently told me, "Gratitude is wanting what you already have."

That works for me!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


  1. Absolutely spot on, Dr. Kaeton. Great definition of gratitude. thank you

  2. May you and yours have a wonderful, blessed, gracious Thanksgiving Elizabeth!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Elizabeth! May many blessings be yours. I give thanks for Telling Secrets which always provides food for thought and prayer.

  4. and a Blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours, m'dear!

  5. It was a DEEE-Light-ful day. And, no dishes to clean up. Woo hoo!

  6. Wise to have no dishes tho the boys do that here. May the blessings of giving thanks continue through the year and beyond for you!

  7. My mother in law exclaimed loudly at the dinner table, "OMG, your turkey is now better than mine." I still think turkey is a crap shoot. I did the same thing this year as last year and for some reason the turkey was much moister this year. I think it must be the bird and some are naturally better than others even if you buy the same brand from the same store.

  8. The turkey I had was quite moist - about as good as my own, actually. I find that tucking seasoned butter under the skin, searing it, then "tenting" with aluminum foil for slooooowww cooking does the trick.

    I'm Very Curious about "deep frying" turkey. I've never known anyone to try it. I understand it's fast and moist.

    Glad you had a great Thanksgiving.


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