Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Joy!

Our home is full of wonderful people and pets, delicious odors from the kitchen, and great presents under the tree.

The Christmas Eve dinner was a grand success.

The Christmas Day dinner is in the oven.

On a whim, I made my grandmother's Arroz Doce (Sweet Rice) last night which was pronounced an unmitigated success by Ms. Conroy. It will serve as today's dessert.

Then again, it was served warm. And, she added raisins.  I'll top it off with real whipped cream.

Some are napping - a food induced coma, no doubt.

Others are figuring out how the new gadget works.

Did I mention that I got a Kindle Fire for Christmas? Oh. My. God. Is this thing fabulous or what?

One of the best parts is now trying to figure out to whom to give my "old" Kindle.

That and watching the faces of the people to whom I gave presents.

I also got a travel book to Thailand, which will come in Very Handy when I go there to visit my friend in March to celebrate his 70th Birthday.

Life is good. 

I hope yours is as well.

It's back into the kitchen for me. I've got some green beans to steam and then toss with some bacon, onions and garlic while the Pork Loin Roast finishes doing its thing.  The homemade rolls have risen and will go into the oven while the roast "rests" on the counter.

I'll get my "rest" after everyone leaves tonight, which is always way too soon.

I never want this day to end.

Merry Christmas everybody!


  1. Elizabeth, this sounds beautiful. Joy and blessings to you all!

    I’m hesitating over this post. But I’ll pull the trigger. I must have written it for a reason.

    The various accounts I’m seeing today of lovely, happy gatherings stand in sharp contrast to my day. I’m alone, on a day once so full of happiness, wonderful smells, and the companionship of family, friends, and even strangers who'd otherwise be alone on Christmas. The ticking of the clock, given center stage by silence, is a constant, nagging re-enforcer of loneliness. It’s relentless and unchanging rhythm peppers me with questions and doubts about the choices I’ve made and the distance of others. And with seductive tenacity, it makes my eyelids heavy, tempting me to into sleep.
    It sounds awful, and when I began writing, it was. But though my day doesn’t compare to a Christmas filled with companionship, warmth, and food, I realize it’s not as grim as it seems. The same clock once was only an incessant companion to loneliness and raiser of doubt. Doubt tortured me only to sadness, never sleep, to second guessing, not questioning. Maybe questioning can be an exploration, not an automatic slide into pity and regret. Maybe exploration and examination is a way to let go. Maybe it’s my ticket to a happy and fun Christmas 2012.
    I’m looking forward to it.

  2. --and merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. A blessed Christmas and a joyous New Year to you and yours Elizabeth! And that rice looks absolutely divine!

  4. Anonymous - I don't often publish anonymous posts but I am allowing this one because it presents another image of Christmas. I hope 2012 will be a better year for you - whatever that means for you.

  5. Margaret - and also with you and yours.

  6. I'm sorry to have posted anonymously, but I don't want to come out of the depression closet. The post began as a personal effort to sort out my own feelings, I had no intention to share it. Only after gaining insight, and subsequently hope, I decided to post it. My intention was not so much to show another side, but to possibly touch anyone struggling with the inertia of sadness.

  7. {{{Anon}}}

    Sounds/look delish, Elizabeth!

    I spent Christmas Day w/ my best friend, her husband, and their daughter (my namesake).

    One of the great things about being friends as long as we have, is how allowances are made CONSTANTLY. So, the potatoes au gratin took 45 minutes longer than the ham et al did? No matter, we'll just have the potatoes last! So, hubby left the vanilla ice cream out the freezer about an hour and a half? So, it's better drizzled over the persimmon bread (my contribution to the repast) anyway! [That we got into taste-testing Scotch vs Irish Whiskey didn't hurt either. ;-p]

    Good company, good fun! Emmanuel!

  8. Anonymous - thanks again for posting. I'm sure there are many others who are where you are. It helps to know that you are not alone.

  9. Emmanuel. That's really what it's all about.

  10. Brian - it does taste much better warm. My grandmother used to also serve it warm over philo crusts, sprinkled with powdered sugar and cinnamon. It was amazing.


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