Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It ain't over yet, kids!

Last night's debate is best summed up in a tweet from comedian Bill Maher:
"Mitt's entire debate strategy: What he just said, but from a white guy." 
I must say that both men seemed weary of debating. And, who could blame them? 

Romney has done little else for the past eight years than run for President - well, when he wasn't hiding his money in offshore accounts and hiding his taxes.

Obama, on the other hand, has been President of the United States of America. Unlike Romney, he goes to work every day. He has taken this country from the brink of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression and, in a little over three years, has put us on the road to recovery. 

Mind you, he has done all the things he's done with one hand tied behind his back. How else to describe a House Majority of the party of "Just say no"?

There were a few humorous moments. I did love it when the President amply illustrated just how out of touch Romney is when he responded to the claim that we have fewer battleships than in 1916. Right said the POTUS. And we also have fewer bayonets and horses. 


I found it interesting to listen to BBC World News Report this morning. They did a good job of reporting fairly but I couldn't help but notice that they seemed to focus on Obama's remark that Romney's foreign policies were "reckless". I think they may still be stung by Romney's comments about the Olympics when he was in London during his Great European Adventure. 

Yes, Obama won handily but that's mainly because Romney did whatever he needed to do and said whatever he needed to say by not engaging the President. Essentially, he said, Right, and I'll do that,too. Clearly, Romney was appealing to the undecideds who would rather vote for a White man.

Interestingly enough, in a CBS Flash Poll, 56% thought the debate was won by Obama. 

By my count, Obama won two of the three debates - which does not a victorious election make. The BBC also reported on the concerns voiced by many people at the local level who feared Republican shenanigans at the polling places and ballot boxes.

As one reporter observed, this is something we expect to hear in some so-called third world country. Not the United States of America - the home of the free and the land of the brave.

I grow more and more concerned about this election. Its going to be close. Very. Close. The only way the Republicans can win it is to do what they did to secure Dubya a second term. 

There are 12 days left to the election. The debates are over. We'll have an employment report just before the election. After that, I think the deciding factor will be prayer.

Pray, sisters and brothers. Pray that justice is done.

Because, after all is said and done, that's really what this election is all about.


  1. And volunteer to take people to the polls ... amazing how many people have trouble getting to the polls ... help someone vote - this year's version of prayer without ceasing :-).

  2. Taking people to the polls is a prayerful act of justice. Elderly people and people of color are especially vulnerable to the Goon Squads that are reportedly organizing a campaign of intimidation at the polls. Our presence there will help thwart that.

    It will also help if you hang around polling places where elderly people and people of color are known to vote. Be a deterrent to intimidation. These guys are scum!

    My God, this sounds more like Communist Russia than the US of A.

  3. Elizabeth:
    i thought of you today, when speaking with my friend the local head librarian. she's bi-national, leaving Montreal to return to her home state to work for re-electing the President.
    when speaking of the outcome of the debates, she warned me not too be too hopeful, predicting major power outages on election day, effectively errasing millions of votes in an age of electronic voting. our conversation made me so deeply sad; that people can actually go to vote, especting such 'shenanigans.'
    inspite of the current 'asshat' government we currently suffer in Canada, i couldn't help but be grateful at least my vote gets counted.
    and my friend: she did a paper absentee ballott and couriered it from Canada before she heads back to the U.S.

  4. The really sad part is that even absentee ballots are free from shenanigans. I wonder where my country went.

  5. I too am tired of non-debates. On the anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis I remember the leadership of President Kennedy—the power of a dove no less, a leader who served peace by letting go of might. I think Obama is a leader who can do that, has done that. Doesn't the gospel tell us to "stand firm?" That doesn't mean charge forth or run away.

    You are right too that voting is prayer and a way we can serve.I will vote and trust— and also let Godde know who I think is the best leader right now:) Carry on. Lyn

  6. Voting is a sacred right, a privilege and an important, powerful prayer. Thanks for that reminder.


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