Friday, April 15, 2022

A Tribute to Lenny


In loving memory of Mr. Lenny Bruce Briscoe, first of his name, House of Shih-Tzu, who died peacefully and without pain in the arms of one of his humans shortly after noon on Maundy Thursday, April 14. He was also known as “Lenny-Man,” “Little Lenny,” “Sweet-faced Boy,” “Lenny Wallbanger,” “The Tootsie-Roll Man,” “Lenny Doodles (with the do-do-dodaly eyes),”and “The Last Pup Standing.”

He was named for our eldest daughter's two favorite celebrities: The ribald comedian, satirist and social critic, Leonard Alfred Schneider, better known as Lenny Bruce, and the wearily sarcastic Detective Leonard W. "Lennie" Briscoe, played by Jerry Orbach on the long-running television show, "Law and Order".

Our daughter, Jaime, had gotten him as a birthday present, on November 7, 2004. Lenny was by her side when she died on December 2nd of that same year.

While each one of our pups holds a special place in our hearts, Lenny is inextricably linked to memories of Jaime, which gave him special status in the family. The other pups seemed to know it and understand.

Actually, so did Lenny.

Lenny had come to our daughter from a reputable breeder in New Hampshire. However, Lenny, as we always said in his presence, “took the short bus to school.” What we said when he was out of hearing range was that he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the pack. Turns out, that became one of his endearing qualities.

A favorite family story about Lenny involved one of his sisters, Coco Chanel, the Upper East Side Dame, and Rehoboth Beach Harbor Master, Second of Her Name, House of Havanese. Coco would come downstairs to the TV room and, if she happened to see Lenny sitting on the lap of one of his humans where she had intended to sit, would devise a fairly simple trick to get Lenny to move.

Coco would suddenly start barking and run up the stairs into the kitchen. Always willing to protect and defend his family, Lenny would take off up the stairs, following her lead, barking at the back entrance kitchen door. At which point, Ms. Coco would literally turn tail and head back down the stairs, jump up on the chair and settle into her human’s lap, leaving Lenny upstairs looking at the kitchen door and feeling very self-righteous for having saved his humans, yet again, from a possible thief or rapist or annoying bible salesman.

Lenny fell for that trick. Every. Single. Time.

His humans thought it very entertaining. They called it “Dog-TV”.

Lenny is preceded in death by his brother Bogart who died in 2006, his sister Coco who died in 2012, his sister Sadie Gene, who died on September 29, 2021, and his brother Theo who died on January 8, 2022.

He was 17 and a half years old.

He will be missed by his friend and walker, Auntie Anita, his Uncle Bill whom he adored, and his groomer, Ryan at Wizard of Paws, who, the last time Lenny was there (just a few weeks ago), called us after his grooming because Lenny’s cataracts prevented him from seeing and he was anxious and walking into walls.

He will also be missed by Dr. April Reid and her staff at Peninsula Veterinary Services in Millsboro, whose skilled and compassionate care are partly responsible for his longevity.

Cremation services are being handled by Parsell Pet Crematorium in Lewes. Donations may be made in his memory to the ASPCA or Humane Society or Rescue Organization so that other four-leggeds may find their "forever home".

Or, please consider adopting a rescued pet or making a donation so that someone else can. They make the BEST family members. You will learn more about unconditional love than you thought you needed to know.

This is so hard. He was such a sweet, gentle, delightfully stubborn soul. We’ll miss the click-click-click of his paws on the floor, and the way he used to excitedly scamper into the kitchen for a treat, but we know he’s in a place where he can see and hear again and run without arthritic stiffness and pain, and he’s enjoying all his favorite treats because he has teeth and can chew. There’s a blue pad by the fireplace somewhere in heaven where he can curl up and nap for as long as he likes.

He may not have been the brightest, but he was the star of his own show.

Of your mercy and kindness please keep Lenny’s humans in your prayers as they grieve.

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