Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Feast of the Realm of Christ

Good Sunday morning, good citizens of the Realm of Christ. This day is also known to church traditionalists as "The Feast of Christ the King" but there are those of us who know that the very idea of the Resurrected Jesus (AKA "The Christ") with a crown on his head sends Him into serious gales of uproarious laughter.

We live in very strange times, strange enough that some people have lost their sense of humor and would find statements like that "offensive". Ah, more's the pity.

I'm sitting here watching the sun come up on the horizon which I can see from my sun room on the marsh. The trees are increasingly outlined in a blaze of red which trails off into the turning-blue sky and out to the deep-blue Bay.

If you're focused only on the image of Christ with a crown on his head, with all sort and manner of naked baby angels surrounding Him, you'll miss out on how God crowns the earth every blessed morning.

If you're looking for a particular shape and hue of a crown, you'll miss out on how Mother Nature gently bows her head to accept the crimson and blue tiara and then generously spreads that light to all the rest of creation and her creatures.

You'll miss out on how the winged creatures rise up to greet her and sing her praise, the gulls laughing with astonished joy for the gift of another brand new day.

It's a great day to be a citizen of the Realm of God - a bit chilly, to be sure, but perfectly splendid in its regal simplicity and elegance. If you focus your search only on finding evidence of human glory, you'll miss it.

Keep your eyes on the horizon, your mind open to possibility and your heart filled with gratitude, and there you'll receive the dazzling crown of The Creator - the golden crown of Love, set with the sparkling gems of Hope.

I hope something good happens to you today.

Bom dia.

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