Monday, June 12, 2006

General Convention news website launched.

Note: Here are some resources I use because, well, I learned a long time ago that so many things happen all at the same time during General Convention, even those of us who are here can't keep up.

Episcopal News Service
Monday, June 12, 2006

General Convention news website launched

[ENS] In-depth coverage of the Episcopal Church's 75th General
Convention, meeting in Columbus, Ohio, from June 13-21, will be provided
by the Episcopal News Service and can be accessed online at

Daily newslinks and articles can also be received via email. For details
about how to subscribe to Episcopal News Service, visit

The Convention Daily newspaper will be published each day and the
Convention Nightly newscast will be broadcast each evening throughout

Video, audio streams and podcasts of each newscast and a .pdf of each
newspaper will be available beginning June 13 at

As well, translations into Spanish of Convention news are offered on the
General Convention news website at

Information and resources for news media are also included on the
General Convention news website.

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the address which you wish subscribed, to and
include "subscribe" in the subject line.


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