Wednesday, February 13, 2008

And the 'Poster of the Day' Award goes to . .

This is British actor John Barrowman who plays character 'Captain Jack' on the British series 'Torchwood'.

He has joined with 'Stonewall' a UK Gay Rights Group in a public ad campaign to fight homophobia.

I think it's brilliant.

Oh, and just in case you didn't know, he's gay.

I know. 'Get over it'.

Unless, of course, you're a gay man, then it's 'Quit your drooling. You'll ruin your computer keyboard that way.'


  1. He's damn hawt.

    Excuse me while I swoon and clutch ma' pearls. (Pause)

    *SIGH!* Anyway ...

    He is also an example of just how the normal depiction of the Church through th elense of the minority of Arminian Donatistic wing has brought infamy to the Gospel. He, like many, have become convinced that heterosexism and homophobia are the default positions of the Church.

    Oh jeesh .. I just looke dat the picture again .....

  2. Oooh, I totally stole this from Maddy and Paul yesterday, too, and plastered it all over my site.

    Well, not my religious blog... my fangirl blog wherein I do all my squeeing about scifi stuff, which has been predominated lately by Doctor Who and Torchwood.

    A whole bunch of us fangirls thought we'd reached the absolute depths of love for this man... AND THEN HE GOES AND DOES SOMETHING LIKE THIS AND THERE'S MORE LOVE!

    (P.S. Not only is he gay, he's got an adorable husband to boot!)

  3. Back off, FJ, I saw him first!

    Of course, his hubby beat us both out (lucky man).

    Funny how it's never our deep meditations that go viral but this (not that I'm complaining).


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