Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Well, I guess I'm not invited

Bakersfield News
"Church Split Over Gay Bishop Invites Gays to Church"

"Tuesday night, Bishop John-Davis Scofield from the San Joaquin Diocese told the congregation at St. Lukes that the church has not shut its doors on everyone, just those involved in ministry who don't live according to their interpretation of scripture."

(Here's the real question: Does he sit or stand?)


  1. From what I can tell, he doesn't do much standing at any time.

  2. Tee hee.....

    When you go to the linked page of the Bakersfield News, there is that picture of xJDS with a clickable instruction under it to "enlarge."

    I ignored it, thinking it was unnecessary to make either the man or his influence any larger than it is. :-)



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