Sunday, February 18, 2007

PeaceBang: Preaching Fashion

This is the Rev'd Victoria Weinstein, AKA "PeaceBang."

Early readers of this blog may remember her as one who gave very important fashion advice to this priest in the midst of an emotional meltdown in a hotel bar in Colombus, OH during General Convention 2006. (See "Love them Anyway")

Indeed, she wrote an entire litany of prayer, which I have appended below.

There's a marvelous story about her in today's Boston Globe , complete with a video/slideshow of her fashion tips.

My favorite quote from the article is this Some choice guidance: "We know Jesus wore sandals. He probably also bathed once a month, and you wouldn't do that to us, would you?" "When it comes to crosses, bigger is not better." And, "thou shalt not leave the house without thy Altoids."

If you have some time this wintry Sunday afternoon (at least it is here in Northern NJ), go on over and check out the article and then check out her blogsite.

While you're there, click on the link to "Beauty Tips for Ministers."

You won't be disappointed. Promise.

Here's what she wrote to me on Saturday, June 17, 2006

What To Wear For A Crisis

A loyal reader alerted me to a lesbian Episcopal blogger who writes about attending General Conference and struggling mightily with the issues around radical welcome.

Sister, PeaceBang is 100% with you in spirit. God grant you strength and heart.

This blogger describes coming back from plenary sessions and getting dressed in a pair of gym shorts, a Red Sox shirt, a Red Sox cap and a pair of PINK FLAMINGO flip-flops to go down and have a meal at the hotel bar.

Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.

I am still 100% with you in Spirit, sister, but not in style. It's time for an intervention.

Let us pray:

Dear Lord,
The work You call us to is hard indeed, and takes us down many a painful path. When our hearts are laden with sorrow and our spirits cannot find You, let us remember that we are nevertheless agents of your love. Give us the strength to remember this wherever we go, even so humble a place as a hotel bar. And Lord, give us the strength to look the part-- emissaries of grace, believers in beauty, people of dignity, representatives of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

What To Wear For a Crisis:

Perhaps a pair of nice, gently flared dark denim jeans or a comfortable skirt, some fashionable boots if you need to kick butt (or want to give the impression that you could if you needed to), a tailored, white blouse, and a BIG cross. Cheery lipstick, and no mascara. Don't forget the white hankie in your pocket, and a packet of Kleenex in your purse.

Let us join in a responsive reading:

The only place that a clergyperson should ever wear sports regalia is while attending a game of that team.
All: We are believers in beauty.

The only place a clergyperson should ever wear pink flamingo flip-flops, if ever, is by the pool.
All: We are emissaries of grace.

The only place a clergyperson should ever wear gym shorts is at the gym.
All: We are dignified people.

This is the word of Truth. Thanks be to God.

Blogging Sister Friend, go in peace and sin no more.

1 comment:

  1. Somehow I expect that Peacebang aka Rev. Victoria Weinstein will be sinning again soonish. . .


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