Come in! Come in!

"If you are a dreamer, come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a Hope-er, a Pray-er, a Magic Bean buyer; if you're a pretender, come sit by my fire. For we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in! Come in!" -- Shel Silverstein

Monday, June 26, 2006

Feeding on the Bread of Anxiety

Note: Katie Sherrod is one of my dearest friends and one of the most passionate, hardworking straight (but never narrow) ally and activist we have in The Episcopal Church. A film producer, she and her husband, retired priest Gayland Poole, live in Ft. Worth, TX, one of the most repressive dioceses in our church. I reprint her article here with a deep sense of gratitude.

By Katie Sherrod

At the end, it came down to this.

We tried to create a “diverse center” by throwing aside the dignity and ministries of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered sisters and brothers.

We tried to build a bridge to Lambeth on the bodies of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered Episcopalians.

We tried to “create space for healing” by throwing some of our brothers and sisters out of the boat.

We tried to become “Windsor compliant” instead of focusing on being Gospel compliant.

And all of this because we were force fed the bread of anxiety and became agents of fear instead of agents of hope. There was way too much talk of “sacrifice” and “crucifixion” and none at all about resurrection.

From Day One, a small number of noisy conservatives were pumping fear into the Convention as hard as they could. English archbishops were flown in from England to add to the pressure. When the British bishops weren’t there in person, they were issuing letters of warning, which were quickly passed around by the conservative minority.

It almost didn’t work. This Convention was very clear that it did not want to go back on human sexuality justice issues. Finally on the last day the presiding bishop used the ugliest kind of coercion and distortion of process to get what he wanted.

In his address to the joint session of the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies, Frank Griswold tried to anger “the center” by telling them that “the fringes” had manipulated them. He made it clear that the “fringes” included LGBT people who are participating fully in the life and ministry of the church and want to continue to do so.

We-have-to-do-this-or-we-won’t-be-invited-to-Lambeth became his ultimatum. Then he brought out his biggest gun of all, Presiding Bishop-elect Katharine Jefferts Schori. Give Katharine what she needs to be at the table. The bishops caved.

And when Jefferts Schori was invited to speak to the House of Deputies, the deputies caved.

Fear triumphed over hope, appeasement trumped truth, bullying replaced leadership.

It was spiritual violence – to my GLBT brothers and sisters, to the bishops, to the deputies.

And all for what?

Within minutes, conservative Episcopalians were saying it wasn’t enough. To their credit, they had also said this on the floor of the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies. All along, they’ve said it wasn’t enough. In fact, nothing the General Convention could have done short of stripping Gene Robinson of his office, throwing him and all LGBT people back into the closet and locking the door, and then handing the leadership of the church over to Peter Akinola assisted by Bob Duncan would have satisfied them.

Why are we surprised? Appeasing bullies never works.

We had a chance to say, “We in the Episcopal Church value being part of the Anglican Communion. We love it and wish to remain to vital part of it. However, we are not of one mind on the issues presented in the Windsor Report. We are working out our own consensus on this. Please give us grace and time in which to work this out in the context of our polity. And then let us bring our lived experience in dealing with these painful issues to the Communion as our gift.”

That would have been the truth.

It would have shown respect for the Anglican Communion and for the decisions the bulk of people in this church support. It would have shown respect to the shrinking number of conservatives who are in pain over the direction of The Episcopal Church and it would have shown respect for LGBT people and their allies.

If Katharine Jefferts Schori walks across that bridge to Lambeth that we constructed of the bodies of our LGBT brothers and sisters, I pray that she will say this to the rest of the Communion.

The Episcopal Church’s struggle to extend the life of the church to all the baptized is a gift. If we don’t value it, why should we expect the rest the Communion to do so?


Mike in Texas said...

Katie, I hope you're reading Elizabeth's blog.

Your reading of the situation is honest and accurate.

Please continue to be a voice of outrage over the injustice committed by GC. Too many people are busy trying to rationalize what happened as if an act of injustice can somehow contribute to a larger 'good'. I'm not quite sure how they can live with the cognitive dissonance in that concept, but it must make them feel better in some bizarre sense.

Lisa Fox said...

The tea and scones at Lambeth must be exceedingly precious -- for they have been bought at a terrible price.