Like, I knew I shouldn't have moved that box. Or, I bent over and the next thing I knew . . ..
It wasn't like that. It started very gradually on Monday morning. I took some Aleve and iced my back - an early intervention that's been highly effective for the past year or so. After my 3PM visit with my Supervisor, I could feel the spasms begin. By 11 PM I was in absolute agony. It appears my sciatic nerve is seriously pinched. I wouldn't want anyone - yes, even him - to have pain like this.
I've had three sessions with my chiropractor and finally found a pain medication that is effective, so I'm taking the 30 minutes I have before my eyesight starts to blur in narcotic LaLa Land to enter this blog.
At this point my trip to Belize is iffy - at least leaving on Saturday. I'm hoping that if I can't leave with everyone else, I can join them as soon as I can.
In the meantime, please keep our Mission group in your prayers.
On July 7-14, 2007, 35 youth and adults from St. Paul’s and the Diocese of Newark will embark on our mission trip to Belize. Our goal is to build a playground for the children of San Antonio, Belize as well as providing a health & dental clinic for the families. Please keep us in your prayers for a safe journey and success in making a difference with the people in Belize, as well as a difference in the lives of our own youth.
Bryan Anderson - Christ Church, Pompton Lakes
Nate Bard - St. Paul’s, Chatham
Josh Crowley - St. Paul’s, Chatham
RJ Davies - Christ Church, Pompton Lakes
AJ DeWalt - St. Luke’s, Montclair
Ben DeWalt – St. Luke’s, Montclair
Caitlin Duffy – St. Paul’s, Chatham
David Huke – St. Paul’s, Chatham
Patrick James – St. Paul’s, Chatham
Mariana Johnson – St. Paul’s, Chatham
Harry Mather - Chatham
Grace Oakley – St. Paul’s, Chatham
Max Papier – St. Paul’s, Chatham
Matt Romei – St. Paul’s, Chatham
Billy Readdy – St. Paul’s, Chatham
Addison Siegel – St. Paul’s, Chatham
Chelsea Siegel – St. Paul’s, Chatham
Gregory Solomon – St. Paul’s, Chatham
Max Stelzer – St. Paul’s, Chatham
Eric Stricko - Chatham
Russell Taliaferro - Chatham
Todd, Virginia, Austin & Jenna Huffman – St. Paul’s, Chatham
Joy, Paige & Erica - Chatham
Barbara Conroy & Rev. Elizabeth Kaeton – St. Paul’s, Chatham
Kurt & April Drake – Orlando, FL
Courtney Pearson – Diocese of Newark
Suzy Spressert – Diocese of Massachusetts
Timothy Wong – St. Paul’s, Chatham
The Episcopal Church of St. Paul
200 Main Street Chatham, NJ 07928
As one who has been in Central America with an injury--DON'T GO if you aren't feeling at least 90%. Being there and not able to help is no fun!
Meanwhile prayers ascend for you and your folks.
Owie, owie, owie!!! I sympathize completely as I have "one of those backs." And, alas, there is nothing to do but treat it and wait. Hope you are feeling better soon...
Sorry to hear about the back. Been there Done that. It's not fun as you well know. I seem to recall on Sunday after Service that you said you were going to the gym and then the pool. Maybe you pulled something then. I hope you feel better and get to go on your trip.
Also, If you get a chance visit this young lady's blog. She's only 15 going on 30 something. She's one of our volunteers and has aspirations to the clergy. She writes way beyond her years.
Poor baby, poor baby, poor baby!
Prayers ascending ... for Belize and for your Back!
Prayers for healing (quick healing!). Been there, done that with the bad back thing -- it's no fun. {{{Elizabeth}}}
I hope you've turned the corner and it's all calming down by now, Elizabeth.
I am praying for your back. If you go, be sure to take your meds in clearly marked prescription bottles! The last thing you need is extra time in customs or police issues.
Sister dear, I know very well of what you speak and suffer. You are in my prayers for healing and less pain, but also for your ability to make the trip you are so looking forward to making with those folks.
Last time it happened I was drying with a towel after showering. I felt it snap. My Practor chalked it up to STRESS. Imagine that!!!
I must be careful myself. I am on the move again (don't ask) and am very careful of how much I pack into what size box.
I pray that you have enough relief to get some rest.
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get in touch but I was waiting for a reply from my good friend, Bishop Dow of Carlisle concerning your statement -
I wish I knew how it happened.
Anyway he's just been on the phone to tell me that your present pain is God's punishment for you being a lesbian - an unrepentant lesbian at that.
So there you have it, Lisbeth. Stop the naughty business and you will be healed and remember, God didn't create Eve and Niamh - he created bubonic plague and George Bush.
Ah, Madpriest, you always explain it all so cogently. Thank you. Thank you. Thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings.
Great post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed browsing your blog posts.
Great post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed browsing your blog posts.
Thank you. Come back again. I was really blessed to have a wonderful chiropractic doc which reduced my need for pain meds. As far as I'm concerned, chiropractic doc have been "Just saying no" to drugs since before it was fashionable. Moist heat, electric stim, and topical anesthetics work more slowly but are much more effective than a boat load of oxycodone.
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