"Finally, I suspect that it is by entering that deep place inside us where our secrets are kept that we come perhaps closer than we do anywhere else to the One who, whether we realize it or not, is of all our secrets the most telling and the most precious we have to tell." Frederick Buechner
Come in! Come in!
"If you are a dreamer, come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a Hope-er, a Pray-er, a Magic Bean buyer; if you're a pretender, come sit by my fire. For we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in! Come in!" -- Shel Silverstein
The "once a year" folks miss out on so much. Like all th food that comes out of our new kitchen. On the 5th Sunday of Lent we feasted on a wonderful brunch to inaugerate the newly renovated kitchen. We had fruit, three different potato dishes, a couple of different egg recipes, breads, jams, juices, Episcopalian coffee . . . . Oh, and did I mention we also had a Eucharistic Service. How could I forget that.
So I guess that what there really missing out on is this wonderful sense of community. Meeting other people and sharing experiences.
In a sermon, not to far back, Elizabeth spoke of visiting a village in Africa and how she felt sorry for them because they had such a hard life. They even had to go down to a community well for water. Then she found out that the women were sorry for her because Elizabeth had water in her home and didn't have the opportunity to go down to the well and share stories with the other women. This is the same thing. If the "once a year" church goers would come more often to the "well", it would greatly enrich their lives.
Bill, my husband is a twice a year man. With Eastmas, he could be down to once a year. He does attend a lot of the social gatherings, even as he misses the preceeding services. But the members of my parish love him anyway.
Any thoughts? Would we be able to pull it off? So many of the blogging progressive Episcopalians are in the NY/NJ area (like you) that it seemed a good central location for a progressive Episcopal blogger gathering.
The "once a year" folks miss out on so much. Like all th food that comes out of our new kitchen. On the 5th Sunday of Lent we feasted on a wonderful brunch to inaugerate the newly renovated kitchen. We had fruit, three different potato dishes, a couple of different egg recipes, breads, jams, juices, Episcopalian coffee . . . .
Oh, and did I mention we also had a Eucharistic Service. How could I forget that.
So I guess that what there really missing out on is this wonderful sense of community. Meeting other people and sharing experiences.
In a sermon, not to far back, Elizabeth spoke of visiting a village in Africa and how she felt sorry for them because they had such a hard life. They even had to go down to a community well for water. Then she found out that the women were sorry for her because Elizabeth had water in her home and didn't have the opportunity to go down to the well and share stories with the other women. This is the same thing. If the "once a year" church goers would come more often to the "well", it would greatly enrich their lives.
You see Elizabeth, I do listen to your sermons.
Okay. I've been duly warned.
Bill, my husband is a twice a year man. With Eastmas, he could be down to once a year. He does attend a lot of the social gatherings, even as he misses the preceeding services. But the members of my parish love him anyway.
I just posted an idea over at MadPriests and am soliciting thoughts for the idea.
Any thoughts? Would we be able to pull it off? So many of the blogging progressive Episcopalians are in the NY/NJ area (like you) that it seemed a good central location for a progressive Episcopal blogger gathering.
Hi Dennis, your idea has possibilities. Let's talk about it and see what happens.
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