When a young couple were in graduate school at Duke University,their parish put on the standard children's Christmas pageant.
The little boy who was to play the innkeeper kept insisting that he just couldn't turn Mary and Joseph away.
Those in charge explained repeatedly that he had to; that's how it happened.
So the moment came in the pageant, and the boy said, "I'm sorry, there is no room in the inn, but won't you at least come in and have a drink?"
Making the relative's House into an Inn is really a travesty. Fortunately, I have only had to endure it once...
In reality it seems to have been a "hall" combined with stable as opposed to the solarium where the host and his family slept. Whence the presence of a crib (and an ox, and an easel/ass)...
thanks Mark - kids here were arguing about who was to be the virgin and who to be a wise man. One of them - from the mouths of babes! - announced in a huff: 'It's a lot harder to be a virgin than it is to be a wise man!'
Sorry, SK - had just come from Preludium!
That's hysterical. I want to know what kind of drinks he served.
I really think that we should rewrite and update the Christmas Pagent one year. It would be fun to 'Jersey-ize' it. We could have three wise guys, the animals should be cats and dogs... the inn keeper could be an owner of a chain hotel on routes 1/9 during a snow storm.
Yes. I'm losing my mind from lack of sleep.
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