Would you like to find a community willing to talk with you about it?
The Episcopal Church of St. Paul sponsors a monthly film series where we view movies together on the first Friday of the month. We gather together in the church on Saturday morning from 9:30 - 11 to discuss what we've seen over "Coffee and . . . "
Film producer and director, founder of TRIBE Productions, and St. Paul's Junior Warden Vern Oakley, helps to coordinate the series.
This Fall's Theme is "Do The Right Thing." The Schedule is as follows:
Friday, October 5th: "In The Valley of Elah"
Saturday, October 6th: Discussion
Friday, November 2nd: "To Kill A Mockingbird"
Saturday, November 3rd:
Discussion with Youth Group
Parental Permission Required
Friday, December 7th: "Do The Right Thing"
Saturday, December 8th: Discussion
The entire community is invited to attend the screenings and the discussions; however, you may certainly view the movie at your own convenience and then come to the Saturday morning discussion.
There is no fee for the screening or the discussion.
All films shown at 7:30 PM. Reservations are required for viewing but not for discussion. Please call St. Paul's 973 635 8085 for more information.
On Friday, October 5th we will gather at the Roberts Theater in Chatham at 7 PM to view the 7:30 showing of "In The Valley of Elah". Vern was at the Toronto Film Festival a few weeks ago and saw the world premiere of the film. He reports it got a 10-minute standing ovation, adding, "A likely Oscar contender, it's a powerhouse punch-to-the-gut of a movie."
After the Friday viewing at the Roberts, we may need some decompression time, so we'll head over to Charlie Brown for an after-movie libation of your choice. The director of this movie, Paul Haggis, also directed "Crash" which we screened two years ago and had one of the best discussions we've ever had as a community.
In November, we'll watch "To Kill A Mockingbird". Since this is one of the books required of our high school students, Tim Wong, our Youth Missioner, will view the movie with them (R- rated, parental permission required).
The adults will view the film on Friday, November 2nd and then the youth and adults combined will discuss the film on Saturday, November 3rd.
Vern reminds us that when this film was first released, exhibitors and the public were afraid there might be riots.
We close out the series on December 7th with "Do The Right Thing", Spike Lee's incendiary look at race relations in America, circa 1989. Vern thinks this may well be the best film ever made about race in America, "revealing racial prejudices and stereotypes in all their guises and demonstrating how a deadly riot can erupt out of a series of small misunderstandings."
This series, like God's love, is open to absolutely everybody.
Come. Grow. Celebrate!
1 comment:
THIS makes me miss church. I saw Valley of Elah this afternoon. There's not a nano-second of bad acting in it but it wasn't quite as compelling as I'd hoped. I don't want to reveal anything though so...
Good viewing.
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