Walking With Love, Justice and Action
At the RCRC 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Washington, DC – January 20, 2013
The Rev’d Dr.
Elizabeth Kaeton
Note: These remarks were delivered at the RCRC (Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice) Interfaith Service of "Blessing and Welcome for our friends in Congress, the returning Administration and their staffs" at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Washington, DC.
Choose life.
That’s a religious mandate for many people of many different
expressions of faith.
I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of being
sick and tired of being clobbered by scripture. I am sick unto death of having this particular piece of
scripture used – by some folks – as a guilt trip when I explain to some that I
work for reproductive justice.
“But, what about what scripture says?” they ask. You know, 'Choose LIFE'?”
I’ve made a New Year’s resolution to take back scripture
from the misuse and abuse of people who choose to use it for their own
purposes. So, what I’m about to offer are a few of my thoughts about “Choose
Life” as I reflect on the 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
Choose life.
Choose what is good. Choose what is right. For you. For your life.
In a
very short, two-words sentence, we are asked to cherish the two great gifts of
the human enterprise: Free will and the goodness of our creation.
“Choose life.” Not “Let someone else make the choice for
you.” Not, “This is what life is and when it begins and how I define it for
No, the directive is simply, “Choose life.” We are invited
to discover the wonder and mystery and complexity of that simple sentence the
rest of our whole lives.
Choose what gives you life. What enhances your life. What
contributes to your life. For, in so doing, we contribute to the well being of
the rest of the world.
Unfortunately, the ability for an individual – especially
women – to define and decide what is good for their life is being limited by
the definitions and decisions of others.
We have been in this place before.
In June of 1969, a 21-year-old Texas woman named Norma
McCorvey found herself pregnant for the third time. She had left home at the
age of 14 and had lost custody of her first child to her mother and had placed
her second child for adoption. She was living in Louisiana with her father and
working several low-paying jobs.
She grew despondent and depressed and desperate as she began
to understand that she would be unemployable as a young mother with a child and
no support. Moving back to Texas seemed the only option left open to her. At
least there she could claim she had been raped and be allowed to have an
abortion. At least, that’s what her friends told her.
Due to lack of documentation and evidence of rape, her
scheme did not work. She tried to obtain an illegal abortion at several clinics
she and her friends knew, but found that the police had closed them down. The
only other option was to seek out non-medical, non-professional “back alley”
abortion – a procedure performed by persons either lacking the necessary skills
or in an environment lacking the minimal medical standards or both.
It is important to know that, according to a 2002 study by
Planned Parenthood, estimates of the annual number of illegal abortions in the
United states during the 1950s and 1960s range from 200,00 to 1.2 million.
During that same period of time, as many as 5,000 American women died annually
as a direct result of unsafe abortions.
Indeed, Leslie Reagan chronicles many of these stories in
her book, “When Abortion Was A Crime”. Women often tried to induce abortion or
cause a miscarriage by throwing themselves down stairs or inflicting violence
on themselves. They ingested, douched with or inserted into themselves a
chilling variety of chemicals and toxins – from bleach to potassium
permanganate to turpentine to gunpowder and whiskey. Knitting needles, crochet
hooks, scissors and coat hangers were all tools used by women who had not
choice but to resort to these means.
As Frederica Matthews-Green is quoted as saying, “No woman
wants an abortion as she wants an ice cream cone or a Porsche. She wants an
abortion as an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg.”
Every young woman, no matter her age, knew a story about a
woman – a friend or a friend of the cousin of a distant relative – who had had
an abortion. Rarely was the outcome good – which included either the death of
the woman or her inability to conceive. Seeking to choose life for herself and
her family, McCorvey did seek out legal assistance, turning to attorneys Linda
Coffee and Sarah Weddington. Ultimately, she gave birth to the child three
years before the U.S. Supreme Court finally heard the case.
On January 22, 1973, Roe (AKA Norma McCorvey) v. Wade (AKA
Henry Wade, Dallas County DA) became an historical, landmark decision by the
United States Supreme Court on the issue of abortion. The Court ruled 7-2 that a right to privacy under the due
process clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman’s decision
to have an abortion, but that right must be balanced against the state’s two
legitimate interests in regulating abortions: protecting prenatal life and
protecting women’s health.
In the midst of the tension of these two concerns, the
country was plunged into the midst of a passionate national debate which has
hardly abated over the last 40 years.
Meanwhile, Norma McCorvey went on with her life, choosing to
live quietly and privately with her long-time life partner, Connie Gonzales. In
1995, she was befriended by evangelical minister Flip Benham and was baptized
by him in August of that year. She also publicly announced her remorse for her
involvement in Roe v. Wade and became an advocate of Operation Rescue’s
campaign to make abortion illegal.
She changed her mind. She made another choice. I still shake
my head whenever I hear people who are opposed to abortion defend the change of
her choice, claim that it is “a woman’s prerogative” to change her mind. They
say this without any evidence of an awareness of the irony of that statement.
Twenty-two years after Roe v. Wade, Norma McCorvey made a
different choice about the life-altering choice of abortion. She was able to make that choice
because she was free – she had the civil and spiritual right – to make another
choice. How ironic that her choice includes restricting the rights of others to
Choose Life for themselves.
I confess that the logic of that position completely escapes
me. When former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin discovered that the child she was
carrying had Trisomy-21 – a condition formerly known as Down’s Syndrome – she
reports that she briefly considered abortion, but then proudly states that she
“chose life.”
Yes, she chose the life that was best for her, which
included the choice to continue with her pregnancy. However, she and others
like her seem not to understand that their choices do not include limiting the
choices of other women to choose life for themselves in the way that is best
defined for them.
Choose life. That’s why we’re here. That’s why we do this
work. We choose to do this work because we want to guarantee that a woman has a
choice about what happens to her body. We choose to do this work because we
want to guarantee that a woman has a choice about what happens to her family.
We choose to do this work because we want to insure that a woman has a choice
about her own future. We choose to do this work because we know that what we do
is life-giving to millions of women in this country and around the world. Can somebody here give me an, “Amen”?
According to the World Health Organization, in countries
where abortion remains unsafe it is the leading cause of maternal mortality,
accounting for 78,000 of the 600,000 annual pregnancy-related deaths worldwide.
According to the Alan Guttmacher Instituted, approximately
219 women die worldwide each day from an unsafe abortion. 219. Women. Worldwide. Every. Day.
Six months after abortion was legalized in Guyana in 1995,
admissions for septic and incomplete abortion dropped by 41%. One year after
Romania legalized abortion in 1990, its abortion-related mortality fell from
142 to 47 deaths per 100,000 live births.
Legalization of abortion allows women to obtain timely
abortions, thereby reducing the risk of complications. In 1970, one in four
abortions in the United States took place after 13 weeks gestation. Today,
according to the Guttmacher Institute, approximately 88-92% of all abortions in
the US take place before the end of the first trimester.
To keep abortion safe and legal for women is to choose life.
It is choosing life for women whose life choices are already limited by
poverty, unemployment, substandard housing or homelessness, limited access to
quality education and few quality health care options.
For those who would choose to reduce or limit the number of
abortions, I ask that you consider this choice: Put down your placards and
posters that carry grotesque images and dire scriptural judgments and warnings.
Seek not to pass laws to make abortion illegal.
Choose instead to change the
reasons women have abortions. Work to end poverty. Work to improve education.
Work to create jobs. Work to improve health care. Make these choices and you
will improve the choices women have and reduce the need for abortion.
Work to repeal the Hyde Amendment which prevents the very
women who need it most – women who live in desperate poverty like Norma McCorvey once did and
have no support much less resources for themselves and their families – from
attaining reproductive justice.
Work to make real the acceptance of contraception as a
normal part of a woman’s preventative health care. (Can somebody PLEASE tell me
why we are still having this conversation in the year 2013?)
Work to dismantle the underlying oppressive, interlocking
systems of racism and sexism and heterosexisms, so that – to paraphrase the
great words of Martin Luther King, Jr., whose spirit continues to guide us and
lead us in all matters of justice – a woman’s life may be judged, not by the
color of her skin or the contents of her uterus, but on the content of her
Choose to understand that, long before a collection of cells
grows into and is born and takes that first breath of life and becomes a
person, the pregnant woman in whose body those cells gathered and grew was and
is a living person whose dignity and free will and civil rights must be
Her life, her intelligence, her integrity, her ability to
make choices for herself and her family, her status as a citizen of these
United States must be respected, and her freedoms must not be denied.
The choice is really simple: Choose life.
We choose life when we choose to walk together in Love –
respecting the dignity of every human being.
We choose life when we choose to
walk together in justice – insuring that the civil and spiritual and religious
right of free will is protected and guaranteed for all.
We choose life when we choose to walk
together in action – moving ourselves out of our complacency and past our
illusions of security.
Choose life, my sisters and brothers, that we may walk
together as children of God.
And let all God’s children say, “Amen.”
Amen and AMEN!
Out of silence came the word
and the word was twisted
to justify all manner of exploitation
rail on against the ignorance
against those who see only narrow rules
who see "right" as a mandate to abuse
see ancient text as pretext to oppress
who cannot see that scripture
is often a litany of caution
against arrogance and error
(all those kings of Israel, failing, and "we" still long for a new, improved, veiled dictatorship of the "wise" to exempt us from making our own choices, from fully living the gift of messy consciousness)
rail on, dear elizabeth
rail on
Thanks, Shelly.
I think it's been good for ME to be silent for awhile. I HAVE to post on attending the Inauguration today. Stay tuned.
Rachel Maddow did yeo(wo)man's work last week, looking at the states which are trying to outlaw abortion by specific TRAP laws to outlaw their states' last, single abortion clinic.
The Governor of Mississippi: "We're trying to end abortion here in Mississippi."
You're trying to end SAFE abortion in Mississippi. Unsafe abortion will go on, as it has since time immemorial.
You make a very good compelling argument. People who are against abortion or contraception are not forced to use it. Be thankful and work toward eliminating poverty.
If as much effort was put into providing education and free reliable contraception to those who need it as was put into fighting abortion, much could be done to reduce abortion rates.
The dream to eliminate sex has never worked. (Well except for the Shakers, but the results are disconcerting for the future, and it really seems to go against our evolutionary nature.) Messy stuff that makes people hard to control. Perhaps we as society should recognize that people are going to have sex and do what we can to ameliorate the problems of sex rather than sweep it under the carpet. I have never quite understood the superior morality of allowing children to be born in hopeless poverty and people to die from STDs, all so society can feel morally superior about not allowing abortion or paying for the wide dissemination of reliable birth control.
If you are against abortion, great, just be for contraception and the elimination of poverty.
Beautifully written, Elizabeth. Thanks for this. I will be bookmarking it to use the next time someone talks to me about "choosing life."
"Work to make real the acceptance of contraception as a normal part of a woman’s preventative health care. (Can somebody PLEASE tell me why we are still having this conversation in the year 2013?)"
Because a substantial number of my gender have so much of their masculine self image invested in controlling women. It is really that sad and that idiotic.
JCF - I watched one evening of TRMS last week and it was excellent And, you're right - women will continue to have abortions. Keeping abortion legal will also keep women safe. And, not sterile. And, alive.
Sextant - One of the T-shirts I have says, "If you don't want abortion, don't have one." That pretty much sums it up for me.
Thanks, Doxy.
Jim - It's just plain stoopid, is what it is.
Amen from the audience!
Thanks, Connie
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