Compare this picture from the movie with the video you'll see here of the children of City of God, Rio de Janeiro, who sing for us at Christmas.
This is what this Christmas Appeal is all about.
Jonathan (Mad Priest) and I will be running the Christmas Appeal for the children of the City of God through Twelfth Night. The twenty-seven day total, thus far, is an amazing . . . wait for it . . . .
I am deeply, deeply grateful for your generosity, and trusting this video and note from Fr. Eduardo Costa will inspire you to dig deep and give again. Or, if you've been wondering what to do with that money you got as a Christmas present or how to put to good use at least part of that Christmas bonus you just got - well, here's a GREAT idea. We'd love to round off this contribution an even, tidy $7,000
Here's what Fr. Eduardo has to say:
Dear Revd's Jonathan and Elizabeth.
All of us here in Cidade de Deus are extremely thankful for your compassionate offering. We plan to use it primarily with our children ministry, and with infrastructure updating in order to support better classrooms, kitchen and other resources for the children and our community per se.
I'd ask you to take a look at this video: (see it here)
These are some of our City of God children singing at Most Holy Trinity (which is the other parish I serve). We had a joint Christmas celebration. Please note that the song they sang is already part of the donation that some of you sent to us. With the first offerings, we bought several songbooks and mass settings for children.
I'd also want to apologize for not corresponding much. My English is not as good as Luiz's and he didn't have much time recently to revise my texts, since he's just moved to the US to advance in his art and theology studies.
Have a blessed Christmas. May the birth of Jesus represent a rebirth of hope in your hearts. I hope we can stay connected after Christmastide, especially now that we will have an USPG missionary working with us, Fr. Nicholas Wheeler (Diocese of London), who will be able to communicate better in English.
Best regards,
Fr. Eduardo Costa and all of us in Cidade de Deus
You can contribute by donating by Master Charge or Visa here or by sending a check, cheque or money order, made out to St. Paul's and earmarked "City of God" to:
The Episcopal Church of St. Paul
200 Main Street
Chatham, NJ 07928
Thank you. My mother thanks you. My father thanks you. And, all the children of City of God, Rio de Janeiro, thank you from the bottom of their little hearts.
Merry Christmas!
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